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Visual Positioning Charts for
Option Trades
NakedDelta's daily analysis of the option open interest (OI) offers unique insight into short-term positioning of the option chain, as well as longer-term changes that may affect short-term price movements. These daily positional changes are the strongest indicator of short-term sentiment to be found. Longer-term positioning tells us how the majority of participants are positioned in an optionable security. The positional OI changes are also considered in respect of the Dark Pool Interest (DPI), recent activity. A change of positioning is nearly always supported by DPI as dealers lay off option risk in dark pool markets (OTC/Over The Counter). NakedDelta's visual graphics display of data, which we analyse for trends and changes, not when or how the data should be used to make investment decisions, (see our disclaimer).

Liquidity Sentiment Indicators (TradingView)
Discover our suite of innovative TradingView liquidity indicators designed to empower your market analysis. We offer three distinct tools:
- Liquidity Sentiment Indicator for overall stock liquidity sentiment.
- Time-layered Liquidity Indicator for comparing the effect of current liquidity across various timeframes.
- Irregular Liquidity Indicator to spot divergence from regular market liqudity patterns.
Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, these tools provide clear, actionable data to refine your strategy. For a closer look at their differences and benefits, check out this video.
Why we exist
NakedDelta is designed to help option traders effectively follow the market by improving their understanding by:
- What changes in Open Interest OI and DPI suggest, based on their delta and the number of days until expiry (DTE)
- Using IV30 to see into market liquidity
- More broadly how technical analysis adds to our summation
- How macroeconomic data supports NakedDelta's data not the reverse, as often changes in OI are leading the macroeconomic data drop, this suggests all sorts of tomfoolery
NakedDelta data offers very strong indicators that may or may not support your confirmation bias. You must learn to be single minded in its interpretation, because it is quite unbelievable at times.
